5 High School Art Projects to Keep on Hand

As you round the corner to the last half of the school year, check out these 5 recently posted high school art projects available in my TPT and website shop. These are perfect options to keep in your back pocket to fill gaps between projects, keep students occupied before breaks, and finish out the school year. Give yourself a break with drop-in-ready high school art projects, easily adaptable to middle school art. Read below for details.


Composition is an incredibly important art technique. After introducing students to the elements of art and principles of design, encourage students to use them together to create successful compositions. These can be used alongside high school art projects from general art to design to photography. They are ideal for a quick activity before starting a longer art assignment. Included in the pack are presentations, printable guides, activities, and checklists to use with projects. General art, design, and photo-focused resources are included. Check it out on my TPT here or on my website shop here.


It’s never too late to start a daily sketchbook assignment in your art class. I have packs of daily prompts, and easily use them as a warm-up activity or bell ringer at the end of class. Check out two eight-week pack options here and here or my semester-long pack here. These work in any class, no matter what high school art projects you are working on. The prompts focus on general art techniques, developing ideas, and pushing creativity.

Quick Printmaking Project

If you find yourself with a few extra days in class, try out this quick Gelli printmaking project. Perfect for upper elementary, middle, or high school art classes. Students complete quick studies of objects to create a monoprint. This can be a one-day project or stretched to three days. All you need are Gelli plates, acrylic paint, and paper. Read more about the project here, buy it on my TPT here, or my website shop here.

Canva Project Bundle

If you want to incorporate graphic design in your middle or high school art class, check out this bundle of 6 Canva projects. Canva is a free, online program. It’s easy for novice designers and the perfect introduction to design concepts. Keep these on hand to fill in extra days or provide as a sub plan, remember to use up those personal days before the end of the school year! You can read details about each lesson here. Pick it up from my TPT store here or my education shop here.

Character Desing on Procreate

If you have access to iPads and Procreate you have to check out this character design project. Students get to design their own character while exploring the wide range of tools and functions of Procreate. This is a two-week project and a perfect way to wrap up the school year. If you don’t have access to Procreate check out the Illustrator and Vectr versions of this project. You don’t have to have experience with any of these programs, with this pack you will learn as you teach.

Good luck as you head toward the finish line! I have many more high school projects in my shop and in-depth looks on my blog. Many of these are adaptable as middle school art projects and elementary art projects. Thanks for stopping by, don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and TikTok for weekly visual journal demos. Until next time!

Check out 5 recent art lessons perfect to plug in as high school art projects, especially if you have extra time at the end of the year.

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