Grid Method Drawing Unit: Learn the Grid Method in 3 Lessons



Check out a preview of the grid method product here: Grid Drawing-Preview
Teach a well-rounded visual art unit on the grid method using these three drawing-based lesson plans. Every year I teach my Introduction to Art students how to use the grid method as a drawing tool. It helps give my students who are weaker in their drawing skills a tool to learn how to break images down into lines and shapes to more successfully draw them.
This grid drawing unit includes three lessons on the grid method:
Introduction to the grid method, which includes:
  • Lesson plan with big idea, objectives, national standards, supply list, vocabulary, step-by-step teachers instructions, and more.
  • Two printable worksheets for students to use to learn the grid method.
  • Introduction to the grid grading checklist
  • Viewfinder printout.
  • Introduction to the grid method PowerPoint
 Collaborative grid: learning how the grid method can also be used to enlarge an image. Which includes:
  • Lesson plan with big idea, objectives, national standards, supply list, vocabulary, step-by-step teachers instructions, and more.
  • Installation Art and Displaying Art PowerPoint (to build a connection between three-dimensional and two-dimensional art and introduce concepts behind displaying artwork)
  • PowerPoint teacher notes
  • Collaborative grid grading checklist
  • Collaborative grid critique worksheet
Drawing portraits hero project with the grid method. Which includes:
  • Lesson plan with big idea, objectives, national standards, supply list, vocabulary, step-by-step teachers instructions, and more.
  • Hero project PowerPoint
  • Hero project critique worksheet
  • Hero project grid rubric
A video demonstrating how to grid an image, a blank sheet of paper, and paper for enlarging a drawing.
This lesson plan is also included in my yearlong Introduction to Art bundle. With this pack you don’t have to plan a single day of the school year in your Intro to Art class. Check it out here.
Check out my other products here