Visual Journal Page 58: Our House


I knew that eventually Nick and I would find our home… and we did. It took a couple of months of constant searching, disappointment, and frustration, but we found it.

By the time we made our way to check this house out, I had mentally prepared myself to be let down. I saw it online, thought it looked nice, and decided we should check it out. In my head the house would be on a terrible street, it would have a hole in the roof, the backyard would be tiny, the layout would be awful, the house would be slanted. I was prepared for the worse.

We pulled up to the house, it was a decent street, off street parking, nice yard, garage… good, good, good, good. We walked inside, nice hardwoods, updated kitchen, dining area, guest bathroom, two bedrooms, good, good, good, good, good. Deck, HUGE backyard, partial fence, good, good, good. We walked upstairs nice size bedroom, huge bathroom, and two big closets, good, good, amazing! After I walked upstairs this house was sealed for me, it was perfect, it was exactly what we needed, excitement started to creep in.

Still we had to go through the process of negotiations, inspections, and closing. There were many steps along the way, many times where I felt like it wasn’t going to happen, but in the end it did. A month later we were moving into our house, our home. To this day I still have moments where I pause, look around, and think to myself, this is mine (at least a portion of it, but I guess we can share with the bank).

CHALLENGE: Create a visual journal page about the end of something. The end of an adventure, the end of house hunting, the end of a year, the end of a project. Celebrate completion!

To create this visual journal page all I used was India ink and watercolor. I challenged myself to not create a pencil sketch, and just go for it with the permanent India ink. However, if you are just starting a pencil drawing is the best way to go. If you mess up, it helps to be able to erase. Despite this, don’t be afraid to go for it, I am always in favor of a good challenge! I used a small paint brush to paint the image of the house, and the words, and watercolor, to add color to the lawn and front door. I kept it in a similar style to the visual journal page about house hunting (to see it click here), that way the two were visually tied together since they are part of the same story.

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