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Watercolor painting

TPT Latest Art Resources

Check out my latest art resources, no prep art lessons, handouts, and activities. Make your art teacher life easier and treat yo’self!

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Art Class Projects: Bookbinding & Sketchbooks

Do you need engaging art class projects? Teach your students about book binding and save money by having them make their own sketchbooks! Sketchbooks are a great way for art teachers to save money from their budget while having students gain valuable art practice. Keep reading this blog post to find out more about these…

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art + merch

An Art Teacher Journey: My Last Day of School

I recently made a major life change. Last fall, I decided the 2020-2021 school year would be my last year in the classroom. After kindergarten through senior year of high school, undergrad, graduate school, and twelve years as an art teacher, on May 21, 2021, I reached my last day of school. I taught for…

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Get your classroom set up for the first day.

7 Art Teacher Tips for Back to School

Never has back to school arrived so quickly. Thanks to the pandemic, after a summer that essentially lasted from April to August last year, May to August just doesn’t feel long enough. Even though it doesn’t seem fair, back to school is on the horizon, it’s time to gear up and get back to it…

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A picture of the beach in Mexico

New Middle School Art Projects & More

Check out my latest art resources, including a number of middle school art projects. Get tested, drop-in ready art lessons.

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Dear First Year Teachers Watercolor

Dear First-Year Teacher in a Pandemic

I remember going through college as an art education major and relentlessly hearing how challenging it is for a first-year teacher. After a while I internally rolled my eyes, silently repeating “I know, I know.” I heard it so many times the warnings fell on deaf ears. I graduated, got a job, set up my…

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