Check out a preview of this intermediate drawing and painting curriculum here: Intermediate Drawing and Painting Curriculum Preview Pack
This high school art curriculum is everything you need to teach a year of drawing and painting at an intermediate level. With this project, lesson plan bundle, you won’t have to plan a single day of a full year in your drawing and painting class. Shading basics, charcoal, printmaking, watercolor, mixed media, and more are covered. Designed to be taught after an Introduction to Art/Art I, and Drawing I/II class this is perfect for 10th, 11th, and 12th graders (but can be adapted to lower and higher levels).
Each lesson includes a lesson plan, supply list, vocabulary, step-by-step instructions, PowerPoints, rubrics, critique sheets, handouts, and anything else needed to complete the project. This art curriculum was created for 10th-12th grade high school art students.
All in all this curriculum includes:
- First day of school handouts
- Timeline
- Supply list
- Syllabus
- Tell me about you worksheet
Visual Journal Lesson
- Lesson plan (with a big idea, objectives, vocabulary, national middle and high school art standards, and step-by-step instructions on implementing the project)
- PowerPoint with examples
- Rubric
- Saddle Stitch Sketchbook
- PowerPoint
- Lesson plan, including big idea, goals, objectives, supply list, and step-by-step instructions.
- Saddle stitch bookbinding how to handout
- Rubric
Sketchbook Assignments
- Assigned every two weeks with the following topics:
- Found objects
- Gesture hands and feet
- Negative space study
- Value study
- Drapery drawing
- Self-portrait
- Hand holding an object
- Morphing objects
- Caricature drawing
Value Study Activity
- A lesson plan (with a big idea, objectives, vocabulary, national middle and high school art standards, and step by step instructions on implementing the project)
- Value handout
- Value and shading worksheet
- Value scale and labeling worksheet
- PowerPoint with an art history focus on Albrecht Düere and his etchings and the images the students draw for the activity
- Assignment checklist
Variations on a Theme, Series of 3 Project
- A lesson plan (with a big idea, objectives, vocabulary, national middle and high school art standards, and step by step instructions on implementing the project)
- 2 PowerPoint presentations for examples and project specifics
- Jim Dine artist research
- Value and verve worksheet
- Strong composition checklist and handout
- Project instructions handout
- Critique activity
- Critique labels
- Rubric
Gelli printmaking lesson
- Lesson plan (including the big idea, essential questions, objectives, national standards, and step by step instructions, and adapted instructions)
- Gelli print PowerPoint (also in PDF format)
- Gelli printmaking how to handout
- Watercolor techniques PowerPoint (also in PDF format)
- Watercolor assignment sheet
- Rubric
- Adapted rubric
- Critique sheet
- 2 short videos (one pulling a successful print, one pulling an unsuccessful print)
Still life watercolor project
- Lesson plan (each lesson plan includes a big idea, essential questions, objectives, art standards, supply list, and a step-by-step breakdown on how to present this assignment.)
- PowerPoint Part I
- PowerPoint Part II
- Artist research sheet
- Sketchbook assignment
- Composition tips handout
- Critique worksheet
- Rubric
Abstract and realistic study watercolor
- Lesson plan (each lesson plan includes a big idea, essential questions, objectives, art standards, writing and literacy standards, supply list, and a step-by-step breakdown on how to present this assignment.)
- 3 PowerPoint presentations (including a video demonstration)
- Artist research handout
- Critique worksheet
- Critique activity
- Rubric
Positive and Negatives Space Collage Project
- A lesson plan (with a big idea, objectives, vocabulary, national middle and high school art standards, and step by step instructions on implementing the project)
- 2 project PowerPoint, to introduce positive and negative space and the project
- Shape exploration activity handout
- Object study activity handout
- Sketchbook assignment handout
- Project guide
- In-progress Critique worksheet
- Rubric
Inviting Change Printmaking Project
- A lesson plan (with a big idea, objectives, vocabulary, national middle and high school art standards, and step-by-step instructions on implementing the project)
- Printmaking PowerPoint
- Artist research sheet
- Topic research sheet
- Sketchbook handout
- Project PowerPoint, to introduce the project
- Project handout
- Critique sheet
- Roll a critique guide
- Three sheets with different ways to participate in roll-a-critique individually, in small groups, or as a whole class
- Rubric
Color scheme object study
- Lesson plan (including the big idea, essential questions, objectives, national standards, and step-by-step instructions)
- Assignment sheet
- PowerPoint (also in PDF format)
- Rubric
- Critique activity sheet
Gesture Drawing Project
- A lesson plan (with a big idea, objectives, vocabulary, national middle and high school art standards, and step by step instructions on implementing the project)
- Art history presentation on figures in art
- Art history workbook for notetaking and activities
- 2 project PowerPoint, to introduce gesture drawing and the project
- Sketchbook assignment handout
- In-depth figure proportions handout
- Figure proportions quick guide
- Gesture drawing how to
- Project guide
- Critique sheet
- Rubric
Charcoal Architecture Project
- A lesson plan (with a big idea, objectives, vocabulary, national middle and high school art standards, and step by step instructions on implementing the project)
- Art history presentation on architecture in art
- Art history sheet for notetaking
- Artist research sheet
- Project PowerPoint, to introduce the project
- 2 warm-up assignments handout
- Project guide
- Critique sheet
- Critique label
- Rubric
Robert Longo Self Portrait Project
- A lesson plan (with a big idea, objectives, vocabulary, national middle and high school art standards, and step by step instructions on implementing the project)
- Art history presentation on architecture in art
- Art history sheet for notetaking
- Artist research sheet
- Project PowerPoint, to introduce the project
- 2 warm-up assignments handout
- Project guide
- Critique sheet
- Critique label
- Rubric
Self portrait painting
- Lesson plan pack
- PowerPoint project Introduction
- Artist research handout
- PowerPoint project day 2
- How to mix skin tone handout and sketchbook activity
- Self-portrait critique sheet
- Self-portrait superlative labels
- Self portrait rubric
Palette knife landscape painting
- Lesson plan (each lesson plan includes a big idea, essential questions, objectives, art standards, supply list, and a step-by-step breakdown on how to present this assignment.)
- PowerPoint Part I
- PowerPoint Part II
- Photo editing tips
- Artist research worksheet
- Sketchbook assignment
- Critique worksheet
- Post-It critique guide
- Rubric
Design Your Own Final Project
- A lesson plan (with a big idea, objectives, vocabulary, national middle and high school art standards, and step-by-step instructions on implementing the project)
- PowerPoint to introduce the assignment with project examples
- Rubric
Each of my classes is designed to build on the last. This curriculum builds on the lessons and techniques taught in my Introduction to Art and Drawing and Painting I courses. Check out my yearlong Introduction to Art curriculum bundled at a discount price here. Check out my drawing and painting course here.
This intermediate drawing and painting curriculum is a compilation of my semester drawing course and semester painting course. If you want the mediums and techniques separated, check out these courses.
Check out my other products here.