Elementary, Middle, or High School Art History Lesson Pack


Cover art history in your art class with this art history lesson pack. Prehistoric, ancient art, Greek, Roman, and Egyptian art are included.


Art history is an incredibly important part of any art class. Create a well-balanced visual art class by setting aside time every week to teach your upper elementary, middle, or high school art students about art history. Cover early art history with this prehistoric, Medieval, Roman, Greek, and Egyptian art history lesson pack.

Put a fun spin on it by presenting it as a way for them to travel around the world and learn about other cultures. They can earn stamps for their journals, similar to an actual passport, by learning about the artwork in different time periods and places.

Prehistoric Art, Ancient Art, and an Egyptian-focused art project are included in this art history bundle pack. Mesopotamian, Greek, Roman, and Egyptian art are covered under the ancient art umbrella.

All in all this art history lesson resource includes:

Prehistoric Art

  • Lesson plan (including big idea, essential questions, objectives, national art standards, supplies, and step-by-step instructions on implementing the assignment)
  • Prehistoric art presentation
  • Prehistoric art travel journal packet
  • Art history analysis explanation sheet
  • Project checklist

Ancient Art

  • Lesson plan (including big idea, essential questions, objectives, national art standards, supplies, and step-by-step instructions on implementing the assignment)
  • Ancient art presentation
  • Ancient art travel journal packet
  • Art history analysis explanation sheet
  • Hieroglyphics activity
  • Project checklist

Egyptian Art Project

This pack includes a printmaking and marker/crayon version of the project. The cost of the drawing version of the Egyptian cartouche has been deducted from the cost of the product bundle.

  • A thorough lesson plan (big idea, I can, goals, essential questions, objectives, supply list, resource links, step-by-step implementation instructions). With instructions to use for second grades or adapting it for older students up to 6th grade.
  • Egyptian art, project presentation
  • Demo video to show students the steps (accessed via YouTube or Google Drive)
  • Egyptian cartouche drawing how to
  • Hieroglyphics guide
  • Project checklist
  • Early finisher, drawing an Egyptian column
  • Early finisher, Egyptian sarcophagus information
  • Early finisher, Egyptian sarcophagus activity

Adaptions for middle school students:

  • An art history-focused presentation of Egyptian Art
  • Art history travel journal on ancient and Egyptian art
  • Discussing art history handout
  • Hieroglyphics for older students
  • Project checklist

This art history lesson can be completed in class or for the students to review at home. Step-by-step instructions are included that can be followed by the teacher or a student in an independent learning situation.

Check out my other products here.


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