Get everything you need to teach a weekly elementary art class with this complete elementary art curriculum. Created with projects specific for kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade with techniques and understanding scaffolding from project to project. Get everything you need to teach an entire semester in elementary art even if you have zero experience!
With this upper elementary art curriculum, you get 47 art lessons, 96 activities, 37 take-home, in-depth projects, also included are fast-finisher activities, demo videos, and more.
Teach students about the elements of art, mixed media art, elements of art, printmaking, working with clay (kiln and no kiln versions), collage, painting, and more with this semester elementary art curriculum.
This elementary art curriculum introduces kindergarten art through 5th grade art students, or younger and older students, to line, shape, form, space, texture, color, and value through a range of projects and activities. In addition to an elements of art focus, this elementary art curriculum also includes fall projects and an elements of art review to start the year. This is the perfect first-semester elementary art curriculum for all six grade levels.
All in all this semester elementary art curriculum pack includes:
This is enough to use in 6 different grade levels that meet once a week for 30-60 minutes for 18 weeks. Ideal for traditional art classes or homeschool art classes, get everything you need to teach even if you have zero experience! Anyone can follow the in-depth instructions, demo videos, presentations, and printable project guides
Lesson plan (big idea, objectives, US national standards, instructions, and more, 4 pages)
Teacher notes (1 page)
Elements of art presentation (52 slides)
Blank handout size elements of art design sheets (7 pages)
Blank poster-size elements of art design sheets (7 pages)
Activity checklist (1 page)
Activity rubric (1 page)
This presentation pack covers all seven of the elements of art:
Color (with colour spelling included)
Lesson plan (big idea, objectives, US national standards, instructions, and more, 4 pages)
Teacher notes (1 page)
Line presentation (11 slides)
Line examples handout and poster (2 pages)
3 activity guides (2 pages)
Activity checklist (1 page)
Color and colour spelling
Lesson plan (big idea, objectives, US national standards, instructions, and more, 3 pages)
Line presentation (8 slides)
Shape template printable (2 pages)
Activity guides (1 page)
Activity checklist (1 page)
Color and colour spelling
Lesson plan (big idea, objectives, US national standards, instructions, and more, 4 pages)
Line presentation (16 slides)
Hot air balloon templates (2 pages)
Activity guide (1 page)
Activity checklist (1 page)
Color and colour spelling
Lesson plan (big idea, objectives, US national standards, instructions, and more, 4 pages)
Line presentation (15 slides)
Project guide (1 page)
Fast finisher guide (1 page)
Activity checklist (1 page)
Color and colour spelling
Lesson plan (big idea, objectives, US national standards, instructions, and more, 3 pages)
Line presentation (11 slides)
Space activity printable (1 page)
Activity checklist (1 page)
Color and colour spelling
Lesson plan (big idea, objectives, US national standards, instructions, and more, 4 pages)
Color and value presentation (17 slides)
Color game instructions, printables (6 page)
Fruit bowl drawing guide (1 page)
2 adaptation templates (2 pages)
Activity checklist (1 page)
Color and colour spelling
Lesson plan (4 pages)
Teacher notes (1 page)
Teacher resources, how to draw a pumpkin and form comparison reference (2 pages)
Project presentation (24 slides) with steps, artist exemplar, and overview
Project guide (2 pages)
Pumpkin drawing reference (2 pages)
Checklist (1 page)
Lesson plan (6 pages)
Project presentation (19 slides) with steps, artist exemplar, and overview
Autumn landscape directed drawing guide (2 pages)
Bat mobile guide (1 page)
How to draw a pumpkin, how to draw a bat directed drawing guides (4 pages)
Checklist (1 page)
Lesson plan (6 pages)
2 Project presentation (24 slides) with steps, artist exemplar, and overview
Demo video (9 minutes)
Scarecrow project guide (2 pages)
Warm and cool colors activity (2 pages)
Scarecrow design activity guide (3 pages)
Checklist (1 page)
Lesson plan (big idea, objectives, US national standards, Australian standards, TEKS standards, instructions, and more, 5 pages)
Art project presentations (17 slides)
Demo video (10 minutes)
Project guide (2 pages)
2 activities (3 pages)
Activity checklist (1 page)
Color and colour spelling
A thorough lesson plan (big idea, I can, goals, essential questions, objectives, supply list, resource links, step-by-step implementation instructions, 4 pages)
Teacher notes with specifics on set up and classroom management (1 page)
Project how to (2 pages)
Warm up color mixing activity (2 pages)
Shapes to buildings early finisher activity (2 pages)
Project checklist (1 page)
Lesson plan (including essential questions, objectives, vocabulary, national standards, step-by-step instructions, and so much more)
Teacher notes handout
2 PowerPoint presentations (also in PDF format) to show at the beginning of each class as an introduction, review, and to display step-by-step instructions.
Images from artist exemplar, Winslow Homer
How to draw a fish handout
How to draw an underwater scene handout
Lesson plan (big idea, objectives, US national standards, instructions, and more, 4 pages)
Art lesson presentation (16 slides)
Types of line poster and handout (2 pages)
Project guide (1 page)
Activity checklist (1 page)
Lesson plan (including essential questions, objectives, vocabulary, cross-curricular and national standards, step-by-step instructions, and so much more)
Teacher notes (with tips on setup and implementation)
Bowl template
Step-by-step handout
Coil design reference guide
2 PowerPoints to introduce steps and display goals for the day
Crazy lines face early finisher
Project checklist
Lesson plan (big idea, objectives, US national standards, instructions, and more, 6 pages)
2 art project presentations (30 slides)
Line styles handout (2 pages)
Project guide (1 page)
Organic and geometric shape activity (1 page)
Animal sweater fast finisher activity (5 pages)
Activity checklist (1 page)
Lesson plan
Basic instructions
Depth activity handout and key
Depth in art examples
Castle drawing instructions
Link to a texture-rubbing YouTube demonstration
Link to a castle drawing demo video on YouTube
Project checklist
Lesson plan (including essential questions, objectives, vocabulary, national standards, step-by-step instructions, and so much more)
2 PowerPoints, one per day, with examples and instructions
How to draw a pumpkin guide
Color mixing activity
Pumpkin painting guide
Shape vs. form reference
Early finisher pumpkin patch free draw activity
Project checklist
Lesson plan (big idea, objectives, US national standards, Australian standards, TEKS standards, instructions, and more, 5 pages)
Project presentation (16 slides)
Project guide (1 page)
Line fast finisher (2 pages)
Activity checklist (1 page)
Color and colour spelling
A thorough lesson plan (big idea, I can, goals, essential questions, objectives, supply list, resource links, step-by-step implementation instructions). With instructions to use for second grades or adapting it for older students up to 6th grade.
2 PowerPoints and PDF presentations to start each day, one for younger grades, one for older grades
2 Demo videos to show students the steps (accessed via YouTube or Google Drive), one for younger grades, one for older grades
Butterfly body how to
Project how to for younger students
Project how to for older students
Edgar Degas artist pack and activities
How to draw a butterfly early finisher
Project checklist
Project examples
Lesson plan
Basic instructions
Warm color landscape step-by-step instructions
Link to a warm color landscape demo video on YouTube
Cool color landscape step-by-step instructions
Link to a cool color landscape demo video on YouTube
Warm and cool design step-by-step instructions
Link to a warm and cool design demo video on YouTube
Warm and cool color wheel handout and activity
Project checklist
A thorough lesson plan (big idea, I can, goals, essential questions, objectives, supply list, resource links, step-by-step implementation instructions, 5 pages)
Project presentation (21 slides)
Demo video to show students the steps (accessed via YouTube or Google Drive, 5 minutes)
Op art circle to sphere project guide (3 pages)
Color scheme fast finisher activity (2 pages)
Project checklist for younger students
Project rubric for older students
A thorough lesson plan (big idea, I can, goals, essential questions, objectives, supply list, resource links, step-by-step implementation instructions), 6 pages
Egyptian art, project presentation, 20 slides
Demo video to show students the steps (accessed via YouTube or Google Drive), 6 minutes
Egyptian art column design project guide, 3 pages
Pattern and symbols guide, fast finisher activity, 3 pages
Project checklist, 1 page
A thorough lesson plan (big idea, I can, goals, essential questions, objectives, supply list, resource links, step-by-step implementation instructions).
2 PowerPoints and PDF presentations to start each day
Demo video to show students the steps (accessed via YouTube or Google Drive)
Project how to
Paper fold diagram
How to draw a butterfly handout
Balance activity
3 Alexander Calder-themed early finishers
Project checklist
Project examples
Lesson plan (big idea, objectives, US national standards, Australian standards, TEKS standards, instructions, and more, 7 pages)
2 art project presentations (30 slides)
Implied texture examples (1 page)
Project guide (1 page)
Positive and negative space activity (1 page)
Activity checklist (1 page)
Color and colour spelling
A thorough lesson plan (big idea, I can, goals, essential questions, objectives, supply list, resource links, step-by-step implementation instructions). With instructions to use for second grades or adapting it for older students up to 6th grade.
Teacher notes, so even if you are unfamiliar with scratch foam printmaking, you know how to best set up for it.
4 PowerPoint and PDF presentations to start each day
A Demo video to show students the steps (accessed via YouTube or Google Drive)
How to draw a turtle, sea turtle, lizard, fish, frog, and snake
Project checklist
Early finisher, Henri Matisse info sheet and two activities
Early finisher, Making 2D shapes 3D
How to label an edition handout
Lesson plan (including essential questions, objectives, vocabulary, national standards, step-by-step instructions, and so much more)
3 PowerPoint presentations (also in PDF format) to show at the beginning of each class as an introduction, review, and to display step-by-step instructions.
Images from artist exemplar, Horace Pippin
Project guide
Checklist rubric
Reflection worksheet
Lesson plan (including essential questions, objectives, vocabulary, cross-curricular and national standards, step-by-step instructions, and so much more)
Teacher notes (with tips on setup and implementation)
Frame template
Photo template
Step-by-step handout
Coil design reference guide
2 PowerPoints to introduce steps and display goals for the day
Crazy lines frame early finisher
Project checklist
A thorough lesson plan (big idea, I can, goals, essential questions, objectives, supply list, resource links, step-by-step implementation instructions).
2 PowerPoints and PDF presentations to start each day
Demo video to show students the steps (accessed via YouTube or Google Drive)
Project how to
How to cut symmetrical shapes guide
Symmetry activity
2 Georges braque themed early finishers
Project checklist
Project examples
Lesson plan (big idea, objectives, US national standards, instructions, and more, 4 pages)
Art project presentations (13 slides)
Drawing with shapes activity (1 page)
Images to use for practice drawing (12 images)
Activity checklist (1 page)
Lesson plan and teacher notes (10 pages)
PowerPoint presentation on introducing the project (26 slides)
Project guide (2 pages)
Demo video (15 minutes)
Wrought iron fence and gate how to (2 pages)
Day 2 PowerPoint presentation with instructions (22 slides)
Color mixing activity (2 pages)
Day 2 PowerPoint presentation with instructions (12 slides)
Fast finisher beach garden design activity (2 pages)
Project checklist (1 page)
Lesson plan (big idea, objectives, US national standards, Australian standards, TEKS standards, instructions, and more, 7 pages)
Demo video (12 minutes)
2 Project presentations (40 slides)
Project guide (2 pages)
Fast finisher activity (1 page)
Activity checklist (1 page)
Color and colour spelling
A thorough lesson plan (big idea, I can, goals, essential questions, objectives, supply list, resource links, step-by-step implementation instructions). With instructions to use for second grades or adapting it for older students up to 6th grade.
Teacher notes, so even if you are unfamiliar with foam printmaking, you know how to best set up for it.
5 PowerPoint and PDF presentations to start each day
A Demo video to show students the steps (accessed via YouTube or Google Drive)
Egyptian cartouche drawing how to
Hieroglyphics guide
Project checklist
Early finisher, Egyptian sarcophagus activity
How to label an edition handout
Adaptions for middle school students:
An art history-focused presentation of Egyptian Art
Art history travel journal on ancient and Egyptian art
Discussing art history handout
Hieroglyphics for older students
Project checklist
A thorough lesson plan (big idea, I can, goals, essential questions, objectives, supply list, resource links, step-by-step implementation instructions), 6 pages
Egyptian art, project presentation, 18 slides
Demo video to show students the steps (accessed via YouTube or Google Drive), 7 minutes
Egyptian art sarcophagus design project guide, 3 pages
Pattern and symbols guide, fast finisher activity, 3 pages
Project checklist, 1 page
Lesson plan (including the big idea, essential questions, objectives, national standards, and step by step instructions) 6 pages
Teacher notes with extra tips
Project assignment sheet, 2 pages
PowerPoint (also in PDF format), 15 slides
Quick blind contour drawings art activity, 2 pages
Artist inspired fast finisher activity, 2 pages
3 videos including a project demo video, quick blind contour self-portrait video, and a timelapse video
Checklist, 1 page
Lesson plan (with big idea, goals, supplies, vocabulary, US national standards, daily instructions, and more, 7 pages)
Teacher notes on implementing the activity in different ways and adapting to a range of grade levels (2 pages)
Watercolor how-to guide and how-to printable poster (2 pages)
Printable watercolor techniques template
10-minute demo video on learning 12 watercolor techniques
Project guide with step-by-step instructions (2 pages)
3 PowerPoint presentations to start class each day (51 slides)
11-minute demo video showing the project steps
Art sub plans handout with supplies, instructions, and a checklist for students to follow
Checklist (for elementary art students)
Rubric (for middle school art and high school art students)
Fast finisher abstract art activity (3 pages)
Color and colour spellings
Lesson plan (including essential questions, objectives, vocabulary, national standards, step-by-step instructions, and so much more)
Teacher notes handout
5 PowerPoint presentations (also in PDF format) to show at the beginning of each class as an introduction, review, and to display step-by-step instructions.
5 How to draw handouts to help develop their landscapes
A printable poster to display with project instructions
A printable handout for each student or each table with project instructions
A what is an edition? reference handout for labeling prints
Project checklist
A thorough lesson plan (big idea, I can, goals, essential questions, objectives, supply list, resource links, step-by-step implementation instructions).
4 PowerPoints and PDF presentations to start each day
Demo videos to show students the steps (accessed via YouTube or Google Drive)
Project how to
Circle diagram
Printable shape tracing sheet
Build pattern example handout
Pattern activity
Rose window early finisher
Symmetry quiz early finisher
Project checklist
Project examples
A thorough lesson plan (big idea, goals, essential questions, objectives, supply list, resource links, step-by-step implementation instructions)
3 PowerPoint presentations, 2 focused on the wacky Warhol bilateral symmetry drawing, 1 focused on the design your own soup can project.
Wacky Warhol art project guide
Soup can art project guide
Checklist for each project to use for grading
2 demo videos to walk students through the steps
Andy Warhol early finisher free drawing activity
Lesson plan and teacher notes (9 pages)
PowerPoint presentation on introducing the project (20 slides)
Shapes to forms activity (2 pages)
Pastel shapes to forms activity (2 pages)
Project guide (2 pages)
Demo video (16 minutes)
Day 2 PowerPoint presentation with instructions (13 slides)
Day 3 PowerPoint presentation with instructions (10 slides)
Fast finisher still life design activity (2 pages)
Project checklist (1 page)
Project rubric (1 page)
Lesson plan (including essential questions, objectives, vocabulary, cross-curricular and national standards, step-by-step instructions, and so much more)
Teacher notes (with tips on setup and implementation)
Pinch Pot Template
Step-by-step art project handout
Step-by-step clay hollow form handout
3 PowerPoints to introduce steps and display goals for the day
Crazy lines face early finisher activity
Project checklist
Critique reflection and activity
Lesson plan (big idea, objectives, US national standards, instructions, and more, 10 pages)
Teacher notes (2 pages)
4 PowerPoint presentations (56 slides)
Demo video (17 minutes)
Brainstorm activity (2 pages)
Illuminated letter references (2 pages)
Implied texture reference (2 pages)
Pattern reference (2 pages)
Project guide (2 pages)
Medieval art fast finisher activity (3 pages)
Bookmark metal tooling activity (2 pages)
Art project checklist (1 page)
Art project rubric (1 page)
A thorough lesson plan (big idea, I can, goals, essential questions, objectives, supply list, resource links, step-by-step implementation instructions)
Demo video to show students the steps (accessed via YouTube or Google Drive)
Pop up Card how to
Early finisher shape vs. form activity
Engage elementary art students every week for 18 weeks in kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade art with this semeater elementary art curriculum.
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