TPT: Semester Introduction to Sculpture Curriculum

I am continuing on my journey of compiling my almost 9 years of teaching resources to create my complete high school art curriculum. So far, I have my Introduction to Art, Painting, Advanced 2D or AP Art Breadth, and now my Introduction to Sculpture curriculum is complete. This leaves drawing (which I am currently compiling), 3D Design II, Advanced 3D Design, and a yearlong AP Art curriculum. Once I have all the courses covered, I will create one mass bundle pack for my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

I am excited to have my sculpture and ceramics curriculum finally up. I taught the class for 5 years, between two schools and two very different-looking art budgets. At my current, fancy private school job I had a large budget for my class. It was an appropriate amount in order to properly teach my students both sculpture and ceramics, which both require a range of expensive materials and equipment. I never felt like I was able to do the course justice it my last school, but I felt I could develop a well-rounded curriculum here.

During the semester students are introduced to clay, mixed media, leather, glass fusing, installation art, and tissue paper sculpture through 8 projects. They learn a variety of build techniques with clay, including pinch pots, slab building, coils, and using the pottery wheel. In addition to building with clay, they are also introduced to high, low and raku firing techniques. On the sculpture side of things they learn about installation art, by creating a packaging tape person, mask making, using leather, mold making, using clay and plaster, light sculpture, using tissue paper and reed, and glass fusing.

With all of my projects, I like to start with a PowerPoint. I include a piece of art history, artist exemplars, project examples, step-by-step instructions, and a breakdown of my project expectations and grading. This curriculum pack has a PowerPoint with every project for a total of 13 PowerPoints. I include my PowerPoints on my class blog, that way if students miss a project introduction they can look through the slides themselves.

In addition to having a PowerPoint with every project, I also have a lesson plan, which includes big ideas, objectives, vocabulary, a supply list, and step-by-step instructions. In this curriculum, I have a rubric for every major project, checklists for smaller assignments, as well as critique sheets, research worksheets, and how-to handouts. I have resources to help guide my students through every assignment.

With this curriculum you will not have to plan a single activity for the semester, it’s already done. I also include my visual journal project pack, which I have my students work on every Friday, which is listed on TPT for $25.00 on it’s own. I also have bonus items: a pottery wheel how-to video, a semester-long timeline, and a semester-long supply list. All in all this pack includes the following items:

  • Semester long timeline
  • Supply list
  • Syllabus
  • Get to Know you handout
  • 6 student handouts
  • 4 teacher-aid handouts
  • 11 lesson plans
  • 13 PowerPoints
  • 11 rubrics
  • 8 critique sheets
  • 1 How To Video

I hope this can help someone get started with a new year of teaching, a new class, or just a set of fresh ideas.

Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog! Help me spread the word by sharing with others. Visit my TPT store here. Check out more blog posts here. Shop my education resources here. Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and TikTok for weekly visual journal demos. Until next time!

2 responses to “TPT: Semester Introduction to Sculpture Curriculum”

  1. Hello Whitney,

    My name is Sergio and I am teaching ceramics for the first time. I am looking for someone to share power points, lesson plans and teaching techniques with me. I want to start the ceramics and sculpture program in my school and want to do a good job. I will greatly appreciate your kindness and help.

    Thank you

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