Tag: patchwork

art + merch

Visual Journal Page 64: I Mean I Think You Really Like Me

This journal page is tied with only one other page as my favorite in my book. I absolutely love it. Perhaps I love it because it took hours to make, or because it’s my favorite wedding photograph, or maybe it’s because it reminds me of my wedding day. The entire day was amazing. I slept…

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art + merch

Visual Journal Page 62: Soon to be Happily Ever After

  This visual journal page is very sentimental, it captures a piece of our wedding, a piece of the commitment we made to each other. By the time this page was created, I had spent the last five and a half months planning my dream wedding. I had carefully picked out the venue, food, flowers,…

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art + merch

Visual Journal Page 58: Our House

  I knew that eventually Nick and I would find our home… and we did. It took a couple of months of constant searching, disappointment, and frustration, but we found it. By the time we made our way to check this house out, I had mentally prepared myself to be let down. I saw it…

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