AI Art Project: High School Art Lesson, Art History Activity


Incorporate modern technology and traditional art making with this AI art project that incorporates art history. Perfect for high school art. Read more!


This high school AI art project uses AI tools including ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, and Open Art AI to research and present art movements, create AI art, and inspire a work of art. Bring a topical and useful new technology in your art class with this art lesson. Teach students how to use AI tools responsibly while teaching art history. Read the details below:

Students are tasked with researching and presenting an art movement using ChatGPT and Bard to help with research. They are required to fact-check information before creating a PowerPoint with their findings. In addition to using ChatGPT and Bard for research, students also turn a picture of themselves into a work of art in the style of the movement by using the free AI art tool, Open Art AI. They must create 3 images in the style and analyze the success of the tool in capturing the art movement.

Once students complete their PowerPoint presentation, they present their art movement to the class. Students will have so much fun using the AI tools and checking out what art was created using the AI art generator. (it can be funny and informative!). The high school art students take this information and transform it into a self-portrait inspired by their AI art and AI research reflecting their own style.

No experience with AI tools? Don’t worry! You get everything you need to learn alongside your students. This pack is very detailed, it can be student-directed.

All in all this art history AI lesson pack includes:

  • In-depth lesson plan (with big idea, national standards, vocabulary, step-by-step instructions, and more)
  • Introduction presentation
  • How to guide on using ChatGPT and Google’s Bard
  • Research activity guide
  • Presentation on creating art using AI
  • How to guide on using Open Art AI
  • Art analysis activity
  • Project checklist
  • Note-taking sheet during presentations
  • Presentation rubric
  • Art project presentation
  • Critique reflection
  • Critique activity
  • Artwork rubric

Get everything you need to bring AI into your classroom in a safe, responsible way. Stay tuned for an art-making addition to this project!

Looking for a shorter AI project? Get the art history portion without the artmaking here.

Check out additional digital projects and resources here.

Check out additional art history resources here.

Check out my other products here.


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