Elements of Art Worksheet Pack

For the last three years, the best seller on my Teachers Pay Teachers website has been my hand-drawn elements of art worksheet pack. I spent the summer of 2014 drawing out my elements of art, principles of design, and visual journal how-to worksheets. I carefully drew them in pencil, spell checked, had my husband spell-check, and finally traced over everything in sharpie. Next, everything was scanned in, edited, and uploaded to my store. Hours went into that product, but it has certainly paid off.

I have gotten a lot of great feedback and constructive criticism on my product. The biggest issue that has come up over the years is the legibility of my sheets. For the most part, they are fairly clear, but there are a few spots where text is squeezed in. In addition, students these days are more used to reading text off a screen than handwriting on a sheet of paper.

While I enjoy the handmade aspect of these products, I decided it was time to bring them up to the modern era. Over Christmas break I began digitally redesigning all of my element of art worksheets. This task proved more difficult than I expected. I not only wanted to give it a more legible look, but I also wanted to maintain a modern feel, and provide new information. For example, if my customers wanted to review the elements of art in their painting class, they could get an entirely new set of worksheets to use in their classroom. I thought this would be fairly easy, but there is only so many ways you can explain the value.

Once again hours were spent creating these new products, and finally, last night I uploaded the compilation pack of the seven worksheets. I love the new look and I am proud of the fact that the information was presented in a new way. A lot of the same things are covered, but with different explanations, examples, and applications. 

Like my original set, this pack includes the elements of art: color, line, shape, form, texture, value, and space. Each worksheet includes a color and black and white version of the front, and a back that tests the student’s understanding of the information on the front. These are great activities to get the students thinking about the elements and putting information to practice before final projects.

In addition to finally finishing my updated elements of art worksheets, I am participating in the Teachers Pay Teachers end-of-school-year sale. My entire store will be 20% off tomorrow (5/9/17) through Wednesday (5/10/17). That puts this pack at just $8.00.

If you haven’t checked out Teachers Pay Teachers yet, give it a try. There is nothing better than finding great resources for your classroom and supporting your fellow educators at the same time. The majority of my profits from my store go straight to my pocket, and TPT only takes a small percentage, making all my time and effort well worth it.

We are almost there, summer is just around the corner.

Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog! Help me spread the word about art education, teachers pay teachers, visual journaling, and crafting in general by sharing with others. Thanks for stopping by. Check out more blog posts here. Shop my education resources here. Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and TikTok for weekly visual journal demos. Until next time!

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