Journal Page 72: Mod Podge Image Transfer

A Mod Podge Image transfer visual journal page.

I created this visual journal page with a Mod Podge image transfer, colored pencil, book pages, pen, and collaged everything together. Read below for the backstory, full supply list, and how to.


I have the most wonderful marriage of four years, he is my hub and I am his lady.

Four years of marriage, preceded by five years of dating, nine years of being together, and I am happier than I was on day one. Before meeting Nick I was a bit cynical when it came to dating, marriage, and all things love-related. My former relationships, none lasting more than 3 months, always seemed to fizzle quickly. I always knew after a date or two, a few hours of chatting, that this person was not my meant to be.

My mom always told me she thought my first long-term relationship would end in marriage because I always knew exactly what I wanted. I suppose I have to give her a little credit, because she was right.

I met Nick my sophomore year of college. We immediately hit it off at a mutual friend’s birthday party. A week went by, we hung out again, another week brought another meet up. Suddenly we were seeing each other almost every day, and he would call me just to talk. A month went by, and I still felt butterflies when his name came up on my cell phone.

By the time we crested the three-month mark I knew I had found my future hub.

Although in the nine years, we have been together we have hit rough roads, had good times, and bad, my belief in our lasting relationship has yet to falter. Sometimes I think about what makes us work so well, what makes our relationship so strong. I wonder why I knew he was the perfect one for me, despite dating other perfectly nice boys.

After thinking it over I realize it is pretty easy to pinpoint all of the reason why we fit.

We complement each other. He is outgoing, loves people, and does things. While most days I may choose to stay home and read a book rather than galavant in Atlanta, he does encourage me to get out more than I would otherwise. My soft meshes with his loud, his opinionated personality balances my people pleasing. We are opposite in so many ways, and it keeps us balanced and life interesting.

We share similar interests where it matters. We love dogs, trying new things, playing outside, working to make our home, our home. We love food, music, and exploring our city. We love cuddling up and watching movies, cooking dinner in, and building fires. We love each other and we continuously work to find ways to remind each other of that.

We never fight over little things. What is the point in arguing over who unloaded the dishwasher last, or fed the dogs? Arguments are inevitable, but they should be saved for the important things. When we argue it is meaningful, and we come to important decisions together because of them. When I spend time with him I want it to be fun and relaxing, not filled with snide comments and nit picking, and we both make a point to enjoy each other.

Although all of these things add up to a very healthy relationship I think the one reason I am happier with him than anyone else is because he treats me like a lady. He not only refers to me as his lady, but he also shows me through his actions. He is proud of me. From the minute we started dating he always proudly introduced me as his girlfriend, and later his wife. He makes me feel good about myself. He takes care of me. If I am sad, he cheers me up. He always puts my needs before his own, and I know he will always be there for me. I never have to question his motives or actions, because I know he is always looking out for the well-being of our relationship. I can trust him because he shows me every day how much I mean to him.

As we celebrate our fourth year of marriage I have no doubt it will be followed by a fifth, sixth, and fifty-sixth year of marriage. Happy anniversary, and thanks for making me your lady.


  • Visual journal
  • Scissors
  • Rubber cement
  • Sharpie
  • Colored pencil
  • Laster printed image
  • Mod podge
  • book pages


For this visual journal page I started with a concept and had to find the perfect way to visually represent it. I knew I wanted to make a “lady” page for Nick, and I needed to find a way to show that. After some brainstorming, I decided to base it on a traditional style painting, and soon after I found the perfect Rococo-style painting.

Once I found the image I decided to do a mod podge image transfer to create an even more dream-like feel. To create the image transfer I ripped a page from my book, set it aside, and printed the image on a laser printer. Once I had the image I painted a layer of mod podge on top of the image, and let it dry. I then painted another layer, let it dry, then added a final layer. While the mod podge was still wet I laid it face down on the book page, and rubbed the back until it was well stuck, and no air pockets were left. After it dried onto the page I wet the back of the image, and carefully peeled the paper off. The end result was the ink stuck to the book page, leaving light areas semi-transparent.

After the mod podge image transfer was set I decided to make a fancy frame to go around it. I roughly sketched it out with pencil on a separate sheet of paper, then colored it in with colored pencils. I used various shade of yellow and orange to create a three-dimensional feel. I then emphasized the shape with a thin sharpie, cut it out, and glued it on top of my image transfer.

I used rubber cement to glue the book page onto another left-side page still attached to my book. On the right side page I glued layers of ripped-up book pages. In the center I wrote the words “I love being your lady” in sharpie.


Create a visual journal page about an important person in your life. Use the mod podge transfer technique.

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