Mixed Media Artwork: “Caged” and “Trapped” Interpreted

Mixed Media-Caged and Trapped

Last January I received an e-mail from a high school student in Birmingham, England asking if I could help them with an art assignment. As a high school art teacher myself, I was more than happy to help, after all my blog focuses on art tips and how tos. I was expecting a question about materials, a process I covered on my blog, or some other art related technique. However, I was surprised and flattered when I realized the questions didn’t relate to techniques or process, instead they were questions about me. She ran across my two pieces, “Caged” and “Trapped,” and decided to choose me as the subject of her final art assignment.

In this moment I felt like a real artist. I remember contacting one of my favorite artists, George Long, when I was in college. I had to select an influential artist and write a paper about them. I had the opportunity to talk to him on the phone, and interview him for my paper. It was a moment I will never forget, I had direct contact with someone who inspires me, and greatly inspires my artwork. I couldn’t believe the tables were turned and someone was asking me about what I do and why.

Her assignment was to find an artist that inspired her, write a short bio about them, and recreate the work of art that inspired her most. She explained the project and included questions for me to answer. I very quickly answered the following questions: 1) Are they any art movements in your life or you have been connected too, any background information where and when you were born? 2) When was this piece created, what was it created for, why did you use the mediums you did? 3) What were you trying to convey in this piece, what influenced you to do it? 4) How can I link this with my final piece, how can I carry it on to produce something similar? And I followed up with fairly long winded answers and much appreciation for being selected, and how honored I felt. The only thing I asked in return was to see her final product, which she recently sent.

Interpretation of Caged and Trapped

Reinterpretation of Caged and Trapped

To recreate my mixed media pieces she used watercolor, and I think they look amazing! It’s a little surreal seeing my name at the top of a paper, and artwork inspired by mine. I loved having the chance to help someone out with an art project, and I loved having the opportunity to see the finished product. I was even more shocked when a few weeks later I was approached by another student asking if she could use these pieces as inspiration for her art project. Technically I am a “professional artist” since I sell my work, but in this moment for the first time I truly felt like a real life artist.

Thanks for choosing me for your project Amy, and following up with pictures! Your project looks great!

Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you find something to inspire your next project. Help me spread the word about my arts and crafts blog by sharing it with others! I couldn’t do it without you. Thanks for stopping by!


4 responses to “Mixed Media Artwork: “Caged” and “Trapped” Interpreted”

  1. Nimisha Pinnaka says:

    I have been looking for some inspiration for my Art GCSE. This is my favourite so far. The piece caged got my attention and I created a transcription of it for my portfolio. I have to make a written piece work about you and the painting. I was delighted when I read your blog and I was wondering if you could help me.

    I will be looking forward for your reply.

  2. Emily H-G says:

    Hello! I happen to be doing an art exam for Monday, and I was hoping to do my reference based on you and your works “Caged” and “Trapped”, or the interpretation of it?
    Please reply as soon as you can as Ive left it a little late, thank you! 🙂

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