Semester Painting Curriculum, Yearlong Advanced Art Curriculum

Read details about my semester painting curriculum and yearlong advanced art curriculum.


I have been posting a lot about Teachers Pay Teachers lately, but lately TPT has been my life. For another summer in a row, I have spent all summer planning, typing, and compiling lesson plans, PowerPoints, worksheets, and resources into new TPT products. Last year, my August and September earnings funded a ten-day trip that took my hubs and I to Munich, Berlin, and Amsterdam. This year, my August earnings have more than doubled, and my hard-earned money is being put into our front yard landscaping, replacing molding around windows, and repairing our roof. Although these are less fun items than a European vacation, they are all in preparation for our next bundle of joy, baby girl Panetta, due November 27th. These things have all been possible because I decided to start putting a few of my lesson plans on a teaching website.

One major goal I have for myself is to create an entire high school art (adaptable to middle school art) curriculum. This would include yearlong and semester-long curriculums for Introduction to Art, Painting, Drawing, Advanced 2D Design, Introduction to Sculpture and Ceramics, Sculpture and Ceramics II, Advanced 3D Design, and Advanced Placement Art. Last summer, I compiled my yearlong and semester-long lessons for Introduction to Art. It has been my biggest seller the last year. This summer I was able to compile my semester painting curriculum and my advanced 2D art (which is also adaptable for AP Art breadth) curriculums. They are both doing well, and I am getting a lot of great feedback. I am halfway through my Introduction to Sculpture and Ceramics curriculum, and can’t wait to tie everything up in a nice bow and get it posted to my Teachers Pay Teachers store. I hope by this time next year my high school art curriculum will be complete, and I will be onto my next TPT task.

My semester painting curriculum includes:

  • Semester long timeline
  • Supply list
  • Syllabus
  • Get to Know you handout
  • 10 student handouts
  • 1 teacher aid handouts
  • 2 technology tie activities
  • 9 lesson plans
  • 12 PowerPoints
  • 6 rubrics
  • 5 grading checklists
  • 5 critique sheets

The lessons cover the three main types of paint: watercolor, acrylic, and oil (oil can be substituted for art teachers on a budget), as well as mixed media with the visual journal project I incorporate in every class.

With this curriculum, students create a sketchbook, full of painting techniques, testers, and reference material, as well as 5 take-home level paintings, and a visual journal book. With every curriculum bundle, I include a timeline, so you know what to teach when and how long it will take, as well as a supply list.

My Advanced 2D Design art curriculum includes:

  • In all this art unit includes:
  • Course Syllabus
  • Tell Me About You worksheet
  • Yearlong timeline
  • Supply list for all 14 projects
  • 2017 August-December calendar for AP breadth adaption
  • 14 completed projects
  • 10 Lesson plans
  • 9 PowerPoints
  • 4 handouts
  • 2 printable posters
  • 9 sketchbook handouts
  • 8 critique sheets
  • 10 project rubrics

This class is a full-year course and is the last art class before students take Advanced Placement (AP) Art. It helps prepare them for the rigor of AP and they create work that is AP quality they can use in their portfolio. They create artwork using a range of materials: pencil, charcoal, watercolor, acrylic paint, oil paint, and mixed media, and participate in many group discussions and critiques. This curriculum also includes a timeline to adapt this to a semester-long course, to fulfill the AP Art breadth section of the portfolio. I also have a printable 2017-2018 calendar as a resource for AP Art students.

I am really proud of all the work I have put into my TPT store, and even more proud when my work literally pays off. I you haven’t yet, check out all the amazing things TPT sellers have to offer! Support a fellow educator and get so many great resources for your classroom.

Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog! Help me spread the word about art, TPT, crafting, and all things creating on your preferred social media site. Check out more blog posts here. Shop my education resources here. Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and TikTok for weekly visual journal demos. Until next time!

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