Check out a preview of this AP 3D Design pack here: AP 3D Design Preview Pack
This AP® 3D Design (Advanced Placement® Studio Art) bundle pack includes everything you need to help your students complete the sustained investigation and selected works sections of the AP® Art 3D Design portfolio. This is everything you need to teach every single day of the school year and it has been fully updated to reflect the new AP® 3D Design coursework.
This bundle pack includes everything you need from spring the year before you start AP® art past your submission deadline. With the new coursework set up, students start their sustained investigation section of the portfolio the summer before. With the handouts, printables, PowerPoints and more, you will be ready to guide your students from summer through portfolio submission.
Included in this AP© 3D Design bundle pack:
Spring AP® Art bundle pack which includes:
- Parent info sheet,
- Student info sheet
- Application
- Summer assignments
- Acceptance letter
- Student/parent agreement form.
- Summer work
- Timeline to guide your year.
- Ways to prepare the spring semester before you start your AP® year.
- Additional tips and guidelines
AP® Art first day of class bundle pack:
- Quick Links to download and how to submit the College Board sample Syllabus for 3D Design
- Sticker chart
- Sustained Investigation and Selected Works checklist
- Yearlong calendar timeline to help guide and keep you and your students organized
- Art-Based Inquiry presentation
Homework pack:
- 15 assignments handouts
- Teacher instructions
- Sustained investigation lesson plan (including big idea, essential questions, goals, vocabulary, national standards, supply, list, step-by-step instructions, and more.)
- 3D Design sustained investigation Info sheet
- 3D Design sustained investigation presentation (with examples)
- Elements of 3D design vocabulary list
- Principles of 3D design vocabulary list
- Evaluation sheet
- Guiding questions handout
- Self evaluation sheet
- Sustained investigation project checklist
- 3D Design checklist
- Critique reminders sheet
- Sustained investigation rubric
- Sustained investigation timeline and teacher tips
- AP® Art sticker chart
- Selected works lesson plan (including big idea, essential questions, goals, vocabulary, national standards, supply, list, step-by-step instructions, and more.)
- Selected works PowerPoint (with examples)
- Selected works checklist
- Selected works Info Sheet
- Selected works timeline and tips
- Submission timeline and guidelines
- Selected works Rubric
- AP® Art Exhibit blank invites (in JPEG, PDF, and .DOCX formats)
All of my products come in .docx, .pptx, and PDFs
AP® Art and Design is one of the most rigorous AP® courses to take and teach. Give yourself a break and get everything you need already tested and prepared for you here. Focus on guiding your students in their work rather than preparing presentations.
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These are 100% made by me. [AP ® or Advanced Placement®] is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this product.]