Mixed Media Art: Encaustic Chair

Chair Painting

I am very excited to share my most recent art series. I began experimenting with encaustic collage with my fork and spoon paintings (click here to see them) and recently tried out patterned paper collages, and fell in love!

I have always enjoyed collaging, which is evident through my enthusiasm for visual journaling, and I am excited I have found a way to merge my two art styles. For a long time I created figurative works of art, and it is time to move away from that and challenge myself to do something new, which is where the objects came from.

For each painting I will focus on one object, it can be anything from a chair to a key to a clock. Through this series I hope to take these mundane, everyday objects and transform them, and  bring attention back to them.

I am also interested in other people’s interpretation of these everyday things, which is where you come in. I would like to know what these objects make you think of. Does a simple picture of a chair bring to mind memories, comforts, or images of your own favorite chair?

These objects that we use on a daily basis inevitably become a part of who we are through repetition, tradition, memories, or even our daily needs. Whether we recognize it or not these things plant themselves into our minds and memories, and may one day come knocking when we see a similar teapot, which could remind you of celebrating your American Doll’s birthdays with annual tea parties, at least that is what it does to me.

A thought that has crossed my mind with this series is to create a response piece to each of the originals, which will incorporate other people’s perspectives on what these objects mean. I hope to collage these written responses into the background of the response piece.

Good, bad, or mundane I want to know! If you would like to participate in my next work of art all you have to do is comment below about what this chair, or chairs in general make you think of. Thanks for your assistance in my creative pursuits! On your way down to the comment area enjoy some detail shots of my recent work of art!

mixed media art-encaustic chair

Chair Painting Detail 3

If you fell in love with this piece and have to have it, you can buy it! It is now listed on my Etsy shop here! As always, thanks for stopping by!






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