Crafted Westside

Crafted Westside 1

I am so excited to share about my new home for the next year, Crafted Westside.

A few weeks ago I was approached by the owner, Shanna, about adding my artwork to her soon-to-be-open store. She discovered my pottery through my new Etsy shop, Sweet Celadon, and thought my products would fit with the look and feel of her shop. I was very flattered at her offer, and we set up our first meeting. She contacted me the same day I opened my shop, and I couldn’t help but feel it was meant to be.

Located on the up-and-coming westside of Atlanta, around the corner from Georgia Tech, and just 2 miles north of downtown, the shop is one of three turquoise storefronts in a short strip. For my fellow Atlantans, who also hate scouring the city for parking, a free parking deck and a lot are located right around the corner. The surrounding areas are under construction, with new mixed-use developments popping up at a fast pace. Some amazing restaurants and shops are already in place, with more being added. I expect this to be a happening place in the coming months and years.

Crafted Westside 2

Shanna has a very specific vision for her store, a mix of worn wood and metal furniture, and an emphasis on local and handmade. Looking at the bare bones of the store, it already felt reminiscent of my favorite store, Anthropologie. After our meeting, she mentioned my work reminded her of Anthropologie products. At that point, I couldn’t say no, she had hooked me with our similar tastes. I was in, ready to start producing more work and continue on my path to finding ways to support my need for artistic expression.

After committing to spending a year filling shelves at Crafted Westside, I was off on a mad rush to create. Leading up to the opening day I spent my afternoons and evenings pumping out mugs, bowls, cups, and a pitcher or two. When I returned to the shop, two weeks later, with a box filled to the brim, I was surprised to walk in the door of a very put-together store.

Crafted Westisde Back 2

Crafted Westside Check Out Counter 2

Quirky, eclectic, and beautiful handmade items filled shelves and table tops. Everything came together beautifully, and I was excited to be a part of it.

Sweet Celadon Shelf 2

At Crafted Westside I have a shelf in a large, metal cabinet. However, in addition to my shelf, Shanna has also scattered my work around the store. I love the way the products are interspersed. When you walk into the shop it doesn’t look like multiple artists are feeding into one store, with work divided into booths or sections. Instead, everything has its place, as well as a communal center, creating a unified look and feel.

Crafted Westside Shop 2

I love seeing my work mixed in with my very talented fellow crafters. Our different styles and backgrounds contrast, while at the same time enhancing each others work. I have already pointed out a number of items to Nick I hope to open on my birthday.


I was very impressed with how far the shop had come in two short weeks. Bags were hung, tables were in place, products were out, and customers were milling about. I loved spying as I saw people pick up my items, turn them in their hands, and share their thoughts with their fellow shoppers.

I’m looking forward to a long, and hopefully profitable, partnership with Crafted Westside. My only fear is my income will go straight back into the shop, as my Crafted wish list continues to grow.

Check out more pictures of my artwork and the shop below. Check out Crafted Westside’s website here and Facebook page here.

Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog and read about my new artistic endeavors. Help spread the word about this amazing new store and my blog by sharing on your social networking site of choice! Sharing is caring. Thanks for stopping by!

2 responses to “Crafted Westside”

  1. Wow, I like a lot your work. Good luck with the store!

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