Advanced Art Project Ideas

Start the Year in Advanced Art

One of my favorite art project ideas to start the year in an advanced art class is my 25 Things About Me project. It’s the perfect blend of independent art-making and self-expression advanced art students need while giving you insight into their skill level in the first week of school.

Why I Love It:

  • You get to know your students right off the bat.
  • Students work independently while you focus on relationship building.
  • You get to share things about yourself with your students.
  • You get insight into their skill level.
  • Students create beautiful displayable works of art in the first two weeks of school.

25 Things About Me:

Before I jump into the project overview I want to share 25 things about me with you. This should be the first thing you do when you introduce the project. Write a list of 25 things about you to read to your students. This is a great way to share something about you and start the relationship-building early.

  1. I have been married to my college sweetheart for almost 15 years.
  2. I am a mom to two humans, three dogs, and 15 backyard chickens.
  3. I love creating mixed media works of art, it’s more interesting than sticking with one material.
  4. I’m a terrible speller.
  5. I am a furniture collector and my house is filling up fast!
  6. I love plants, indoors and outdoors.
  7. In the summer my diet mostly consists of homegrown tomatoes.
  8. I will never pass up the opportunity to travel.
  9. I currently am my own boss and I work myself harder than any boss I’ve had!
  10. My favorite place on Earth is my house.
  11. My favorite place I have traveled to (so far) is Amsterdam.
  12. I love old, peely, rusty things.
  13. I will always have dogs in my life.
  14. I frequently jump around in my artistic style and medium, I get bored easily!
  15. I was raised by an art teacher mom and resisted becoming an art teacher myself, but it turns out I LOVE it!
  16. My favorite foods are sushi, steak, and bread.
  17. I love to cook, I am relaxed in the kitchen.
  18. I grew up visiting Hilton Head Island in the summers and love seeing my kiddos fall into the same summer traditions as me.
  19. I live in a city but have a backyard garden and chickens, it truly is a little urban farm.
  20. People are my least favorite thing to draw and paint.
  21. My all time favorite TV show is The Office.
  22. My all time favorite movie is Stranger Than Fiction.
  23. I read every day.
  24. I don’t think I will ever retire. A big part of my job is making art, I can’t imagine not doing that anymore.
  25. If I could go anywhere in the world I would either go to Madagascar or Antarctica.

Project Overview:

When you develop art project ideas for advanced level students you have to make sure it gives them space to express their interests and styles. By the time students reach advanced art courses you are there to help guide them, introduce some new techniques, and help them discover their personal interests and styles.

I love this 25 Things in advanced art classes because it does all of these things. Students are encouraged to work in their style, with their favorite materials, and create art about them. Check out an overview of the project below.


  • Students have to write a list of 25 things about them
  • Pick one thing from the list to create a work of art about.
  • Use at least 3 different materials in their work of art.
  • Create their work of art on an 18″x24″ canvas panel.

I am always so impressed with what my students come up with for their mixed-media works of art. Because it is focused on something about them, they often develop into forms of self-portraits.

I also love seeing the range of materials my students choose to work in. I really get to see what they like to use, are used to using, or who is willing to try something new. This project also gives me insight into their technical ability. I can identify who may need more hands-on help, reviews on techniques, and who already has a handle on their artistic style.

After students finish their work of art I display with with labels that share the 25 thing about them that inspired their art. I love sharing my 25 things with my students, hearing theirs, and watching students get to know each other through their lists. It’s the perfect way to start the year in advanced art classes.

Project Adaptions:

For younger student try using the 25 things list as an ice breaker. In elementary classes, share your list and your mixed media work of art as a way to introduce yourself to classes. After sharing about you ask students to verbally share things about them.

In middle school and intro-level high school art classes have students write 25 things about them in their sketchbooks and share one thing from their list with their class. You can have them return to this list for ideas for projects, as an early finisher have them create a mini work of art about one of the things.

Personal artwork can be used at any level. Have fun getting to know your students and encouraging personal expression! Hit the easy button and get everything you need to teach this project here.

Check out more art project ideas on my blog here.

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and TikTok for weekly visual journal demos and other project ideas. Subscribe here to get freebies, project tutorials, and more straight to your inbox. Until next time!

2 responses to “Advanced Art Project Ideas”

  1. Jane Webster says:

    Thanks! I am on summer break now an My intent is to use this to start the new school year. Great! Thanks again

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